Education. Advocacy. Promotion.

The Texas Pork Producers Association (TPPA) is dedicated to the advancement of a profitable and sustainable pork industry. TPPA strives to serve the best interests of those involved in the pork industry by enhancing the value of swine and pork products and increasing the awareness and education of the pork industry to the public. Through producer and youth programs, educational resources, collaboration with allied stakeholders, and more, we strive to fulfill our mission in progressing the pork industry.
Our Story

July 14-19, 2024

Texas PorkJunior Orientation

Lubbock, TX

Join our Membership.

Texas Pork Producers Association offers diverse membership options to fit producers, youth, allied industry partners, and more. As the second oldest livestock organization in Texas, TPPA strives to serve the best interests of those involved in the pork industry.

Our membership is available to individuals who have an interest in pork production, even if they do not own any pigs or work for a company relevant to pork production. From the day you join TPPA, the association is at work for you. In addition to representing the industry’s interests through dialogue with state and federal government officials and agencies, the Texas Pork Producers Association also organizes producer and youth programs and offers a variety of other member services.

Ready to become a member? Click the button below or contact the office for further assistance. We look forward to serving and working with you!

Become A Member

Industry Partners and Sponsors

The Texas Pork Producers Association would like to recognize those who support our efforts in advancing the pork industry. Together, we can positively impact our producers, youth, and communities!
For 2024-2025, is our Certified Texas Bred Registry Title Sponsor. We appreciate and look forward to continuing to build our partnership!


JBS Live Pork Dalhart 
JBS Live Pork Dalhart has been a longtime supporter of our efforts. We appreciate their dedicated support!